Tuesday, June 30, 2009

For New Yorkers/ Para los que vengan a Nueva York

Hi again,

Summer is finally raging in the NYC and with it, all sorts of new restaurants, bars and hot spots. The latest I went to was Lot 2 in the Greenwood Heights section of Brooklyn. It's a newly opened restaurant with delicious Italian food. My favorite dishes were the fennel salad and the chicken, which was a modern take on the classic Cacciatore. Chef Scott (last name escapes me) helms from Bensonhurst and took much of his inspiration from his Italian-American family Sunday dinners. This includes curating his own meats on site. They were quite impressive, I might add.

The address is 687 6th Avenue between 19th and 20th Street.

Para los hispano-parlantes: este restaurante Italiano es buenisimo, no muy caro y tiene una lista de vinos pequeña pero potente. Full disclosure: el dueño es hijo de un amigo mio. :)

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